Tweet Chat Tips

If any of you follow me on Twitter, you'll see that I participate in weekly tweet chats. I did a post about all of the tweet chats I attend and what they're about. However, I decided to come up with some tips for tweet chats for you guys to follow in case you decide to join one or more!

1. Remember to use the hashtag of the tweet chat. If you want to tweet something during a tweet chat, always remember to use the hashtag of the tweet chat. That way people will be able to see your tweets and reply to them, retweet them, or favorite them. If you don't use the hashtag, nobody will be able to see your tweets.
2. Follow everyone you talk to. This will increase the number of followers you have on Twitter because they'll most likely follow you back. However, don't follow them just so you can get followers. Following people from these tweet chats will broaden your number of connections and even provide you with amazing opportunities. For example, I found out about different internships through the people I interact with!

3. Stay on topic. Every tweet chat has a topic. Make sure to stay on topic so you don't get considered spam. For example, say one tweet chat is about blogging. Some tweet chats will only let you talk about the questions being asked about blogging from the moderator(s) of the tweet chat while other tweet chats will let you ask/say anything that has to do with blogging. Make sure you know those rules before saying anything!

4. Talk to people. If someone says something you agree with, tell them. If someone says something you're confused about, ask them for clarification. If someone says something you disagree with, tell them. Just make sure to say everything in a friendly way!

What are some tips you have for participating in tweet chats?

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