How To :: Interact With Other Bloggers

One of my favorite things about blogging is interacting with other bloggers and making friends with them because we already have one thing in common: blogging. I can honestly say that I have never come across a mean or rude blogger, which is amazing! I have made so many fabulous friends through blogging, and I'm so happy that I did. Talking to bloggers can be kind of awkward at first, especially if you're a new blogger, so I thought I would share some tips on how to interact with other bloggers and make new friends!

{one} email
Email is the most efficient way to talk to someone. You can easily hold a conversation over email and say whatever you want. If you decide to send an email to a blogger, I suggest introducing yourself, complimenting their blog, telling them how you found their blog, and asking a question. The question can be anything from blogging tips to what their favorite stores are. As long as you're starting some type of conversation, you're golden!

{two} social media
Follow them on all types of social media platforms. Tweeting to them is also very efficient. However, don't make the tweet random. For example, if they tweet a link to their blog post for the day and you liked the post, tweet to them and tell them you liked it. Then you can get the conversation going from there!

{three} comments
Comment on any of their blog posts that you like! They will most likely reply (unless they forget to like me... oops!), and they will definitely appreciate the kind words you said.

Interacting with other bloggers is definitely easy. However, don't have the attitude that you're going to let other bloggers come to you first; put yourself out there! If you don't put yourself out there, no bloggers will come to you. Having blogging friends is super rewarding!

How do you interact with other bloggers?


  1. I'll keep these tips in mind- I'm kind of unsocial in the blogging world!

  2. This is such a fabulous post idea! I'm still pretty new to the blogging world and these tips really helped! Thanks!


  3. great ideas, especially emailing! :)

