Getting Work Done Over Break

For those of you who don't have any homework to do over winter break, consider yourselves extremely lucky! Midterms for my school are always a couple of weeks after we get back to school for winter break, so my winter breaks are always ruined doing study guides.

However, I always want to enjoy my breaks by relaxing, reading, catching up on sleep, and watching Netflix. So, I have developed a little system that I now use to get my work done quickly and efficiently. Check out the system below!

one // devote a day or two
When I need to do my study guides, I devote one or two days over break to doing study guides versus doing a little bit each day. I find that if I were to do a little bit each day, I would get stressed out because everything isn't all finished. If I spend one or two whole days to doing study guides, I can usually get them done in just those days and have the rest of break to do whatever.

two // create a to-do list
Create a to-do list with everything you need to do. My to-do lists basically consist of all of the study guides I need to do. Once I complete a study guide, I cross it off the list!

three // get the unknown information done ASAP
On all of my study guides, there are things that I don't know the answers to because I haven't gone over them in my class yet. So, right when I learn about those things when I get back from break, I fill out the rest of my study guide ASAP.

As always, procrastination is never the answer. Just make sure to get everything done as fast as you can while still giving your best work, and you should be fine!

How do you get work done over break?

1 comment:

  1. My exams are always a couple weeks after break as well!! I never do any work over break though, there's plenty of time for that when I get back! :P

    a Classy State of Grace
