Study Tips 101 :: Notability

Because my school now requires each student to have an iPad, I don't really take notes in a notebook anymore because I have my iPad for that. I was really iffy about taking notes on my iPad at first because I love taking notes by hand, and I was worried I could somehow lose all of my notes on my iPad. At the beginning of the year, I came across the app Notability, and I absolutely love it!

Notability is an app that easily allows you to take notes for every class you're in. You can create separate sections for each class to keep your notes separated, give your notes a title so you know what they are, put them in chronological order, and more. It's turned out to be a great tool for me, and it automatically saves what you write! I mostly use it in history and English because I take the most notes in that class. You can even open up a word document or PDF in Notability so you can take notes on the actual document!

Above is an example of some of my history notes. You can change the text, size, and color. There is even a highlighter option that you can use to highlight important information and a pencil tool that you can use to write notes on a document.

I've tried other apps to take my notes with, but Notability is still my favorite and the only one I use because of how easy and organized it is. If you have an iPad that you use for school, I highly suggest that you get Notability and start using it if you don't already!

Do you use Notability?

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