Organization 101 :: Cleaning After the School Year

With summer already here for most of you (and for me on Tuesday!), it's important to organize all of your school stuff after school ends and get rid of what you don't need. Since I love being organized, I'm here to help and give all of you some pointers on how you can declutter your school supplies!

1. Documents. High schoolers have to write tons of essays, and we always save them on our computers just in case we need to print out an extra copy. There are also tons of other documents for school, like homework, pictures, etc. Go through your documents and pictures and delete everything you don't need. It'll give you more storage and memory space on your computer! If I really liked a certain essay I did, or did really good on one, I'll save it.
2. Notebooks and binders. Look through your notebooks and binders and see if there is anything valuable you'll want to save. If you have unused paper in your notebook or unused filler paper in your binder, take it out and save it. It's always good to have extra paper just in case you need it during the summer. If you don't need paper during the summer, you can always just use it for school during the next school year!
3. Folders. Check if there is anything you want to save in your folders. Sometimes, I'll want to save notes I took in Spanish of things I had difficulty with because I'll need to know all of that stuff in Spanish the following year. I like to use the backs of papers that are blank for scrap paper (I know, I'm weird), so I'll save any pieces of paper that are blank on the backside.
4. Wristlet/pencil case/whatever holds your writing utensils. Go through whatever holds you writing utensils and test them to see if they all work. If some of them ran out of ink, throw them out. If some of them still work, save them to use during the summer or the school year next year.

I believe I covered everything I needed to on organizing after the school year has ended, but if I left anything out, let me know!

How do you organize after a finished school year?


  1. Really helpful post! I'm in the process of clearing out my things but I want to wait until I get my college results in the summer (I live in the UK) until I throw out my actual written work - I love organising too! *high five*
    Would love if you checked out my blog :)

    1. Yeah, I wait until I find out if I passed my finals before throwing everything out!

  2. these are all great tips! I think going through the files on your computer is something everyone should do, but we all put off!
    thanks for sharing!

  3. Why, thank you for the thoughtful tips, Ashley! :)) You know, it’s not that easy for everyone to start de-cluttering their stuff, even if we say they are all personal, especially with the summer looming around the corner. We could all use a little help and a model. Thanks for being one! Ruby@Williams Data Management
