February Reflection

One thing I'm going to start doing the last day of every month is a reflection on the month. This is to see how I've grown (physically and mentally! hehe) and discuss the highlights of the month, especially if I happened to accomplish any goals.

I have gone to the gym. | Yes, I'll admit that this month was the first time I've ever worked out a gym! I love going to the gym, and I hope to go there more often.
I have eaten healthier food. | Usually, I eat a lot of junk food with a little bit of healthy food. However, I have really worked on eating healthier and realizing which foods are bad for me to eat.
I got assigned my classes for junior year. | Two weeks ago, I sat down with my guidance counselor and figured out my classes for next year. I'll be taking two AP classes, and the rest will be Honors-leveled classes. The AP classes will be difficult, but I'm willing to push myself.
My blog has grown. | This one is the most exciting to me! I have finally gotten more traffic to my blog. This month was the first time ever that someone has commented on my blog, and this month was the first time ever that I have become friends with people in the blogging world! I love all of the friendships that I have formed with other bloggers, and I look forward to keeping in touch with all of them.
I have been inducted into the Spanish Honor Society. | My Spanish teacher, whom I absolutely adore, told me that I have been inducted into the Spanish Honor Society at my school! I don't know the details because she told me before letters got sent out, but I do know that I was admitted because of my grade.
I read six books over February vacation. | I always look forward to the month of February just because of the week I get off of school. I have been super stressed lately, and all I was looking forward to was a week off filled with relaxation and reading - and that's exactly what I got! I read six books in that one week, which really helped me to relax and become happier.
I have become more comfortable with driving. | When I turned 16 in January, I got my permit. However, driving tended to scare me. I was always really nervous whenever I drove. This month, I was able to get more comfortable with driving and gain more confidence in myself.
I found out I was eligible for National Honor Society. | I don't know much about this yet! I had to write an essay for admission that's due tomorrow. All I know that National Honor Society is in charge of the Toy Drive at my school in December, tutors kids, etc.

What are some ways that you have grown this month or some accomplishments you've had this month?


  1. I just registered for my junior classes yesterday! I was going to take two APs but I don't have the confidence to handle it! I am so glad you do! :)

    1. Have confidence in yourself! You can do it! But thanks Bay :)
