

I have officially been on summer break for a month, and I can't believe how fast it flew by! I have about two and a half months left of summer, but I know those will fly by, too.

I haven't blogged in a while, and to be honest, I've really missed it. With everything going on in my life, I just haven't had the time or motivation. I know that I won't be posting every day again, but I'm really going to be making an effort to post on here more often.

Here's a little blurb on what I've been up to this month!

reading // I'm in the middle of reading the Confessions of a Shopaholic series, and I'm halfway through Shopaholic & Sister. I loved the movie Confessions of a Shopaholic when I saw it in theaters like seven years ago, so I'm a little late on actually reading the series, but I can't put the books down because they're too good!

earning money // Getting out of school for the summer = basically selling my soul to my work. I pretty much doubled the amount of hours I had per week, so now I work 39-40 hours a week -- Monday-Saturday, 4:30AM - 11 AM. Waking up at 3:45 six out of seven days a week actually sucks, but the money is worth it, and working keeps me busy. Starting next week I'll be babysitting three days a week all day and working three days at my work. I'm a busy gal!

loving // I recently bought the Fitbit Charge HR a couple of weeks ago, and I am obsessed. Seriously. I love that I can see the time, the number of steps I've taken, my heart rate, the number of miles I've walked, and the number of stairs I've climbed all on the Fitbit itself. And I'm obsessed with checking my sleep tracker on the app when I wake up each morning! I've been trying really hard to stay in shape and eat healthy, and my Fitbit really helps with that.

working on // I got a virtual internship a couple of weeks out of school ended working for an amazing business coach, and I love it. I'm a social media + marketing intern for The Confused Millennial and Rachel Ritlop Coaching. Everything that I've been learning is so relevant to my dream job and the business that I've been wanting to own for pretty much the past two years. Speaking of my dream business, I've been working on a business plan for that and it's actually coming along really well. I can't wait to finish it!

What have you been up to this month?

Thank you to the fabulous Jenny of Breakfast at Lilly's for being the inspiration behind this post! XO


  1. So nice to see that your blogging again cant wait to read more posts!


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      Add reaction

  2. Love seeing what you've been working on!

  3. Glad you were inspired by my post :) So exciting that you got an internship with Rachel! She's awesome.

    xoxo, Jenny

  4. Looks like you're having a great month so far!! :)
    XO Amanda | www.glitterandspice.com

  5. Wow you have a busy work schedule! I'm sure you'll find more time for blogging especially if it is something you love :)

  6. I love Jenny from Breakfast at Lilly's! She's the source of much of my inspiration, too :)

  7. I love my Fitbit, too! I even wrote a post about how much I love it, haha!


  8. Good for you and your great work ethic!

  9. You're working so much! I love my FitBit too - best thing ever! Happy summer :)

  10. Welcome back girly! Going to work at 4:30am??!?! what?! Props to you girl!

  11. Happy to see you posting again. I also love reading every day.

  12. You're definitely keeping busy! I want to read the Confessions of a Shopholic series so bad. On my summer reading list!

  13. I love these posts. I have a FitBit but I have the flex. Keeps me motivated.

    Your internship sounds great! I love how many virtual internships there are now around social media and blogging.

  14. I only read the first book in the Shopaholic series, and I LOVED it! I would love to read the rest of the series. In my opinion, the book was 10x better than the movie. So good.

  15. LOVE the Confessions of a Shopaholic series. I hope you enjoy it so much! And glad to hear that you are loving your Fitbit. I'm thinking about purchasing one for those reasons!
    XO, Sami || sparkleandshinesami.com

  16. Whooohoo!! Summer!! I love that making money is part of your June schedule. Yes girl!

    Sara Kate Styling

  17. You will be so happy when those paychecks roll in for sure!
