
Book Review :: The Great Gatsby

Whenever I have to read a book for school, I usually end up not liking the book. About a month ago, my English class had to read The Great Gatsby. Once I started reading the book, I couldn't put it down! I was so shocked that it was actually a good book compared to the other books I have to read. It's definitely become one of my favorite books.

The book was written a long time ago, but that doesn't make it a bad book. I love the whole plot and everything that happens in it. The romance, American dream, and wealth are all relateable even to people today. The symbolism is even amazing. There are so many symbols that I didn't even pick up on when reading; I only picked up on them when we went over them as a class. My favorite symbol is definitely the eyes of Dr. T. J. Eckleburg.

If any of you haven't read the book (and if you haven't, you need  to read it ASAP!), I won't ruin the book or give away anything. But the romance and lost dreams are just so touching. Jay Gatsby is such a classy, lovestruck character. He is definitely my favorite.

My English class is supposed to go on a field trip to see the movie, which I'm so excited about! I haven't seen the first version of the movie, so I'm going to wait until after I see the new version to watch the first version so I can compare the two. Leonardo DiCaprio is one of my favorite actors, and I can only imagine that he's going to do an amazing job in the movie! My cousin goes to Fordham, and last Wednesday, she happened to be at the Gatsby premier at the Lincoln Center. She took a bunch of pictures of famous people and put them on Instagram! Some of the people she saw were Leonardo DiCaprio (eek!), Jay-Z, and Nina Dobrev.

Have you read the book and are planning on seeing the movie?


  1. I love this book! I read it last summer when I was on a classic reading kick :P I thought it was awesome - I agree the symbolism was so great :)

  2. It is an amazing book. I've read it once, saw the movie Friday night, now I'm reading it again. It is a book that changes you, I think. And my favorite symbol is the green light.

    The movie, though, is incredible. The visuals, the costumes, everything is so appealing to the sight. It really was beautifully done. I think the story was told in a great way, also!

    xo Taylor

  3. I haven't read it, but I now I really want to!! I was planning on seeing the movie also, do you recommend to read it first?


  4. I had to read The Great Gatsby for class last year as well, and it's honestly become my favorite novel ever! My favorite part is definitely the symbolism of the pearls and the letter turning to "pieces like snow" in the bath (trying to get across my point without revealing spoilers!!)
    You should check out the 1974 Robert Redford film as well, Leo has a lot to live up to!

    xo Amy @ British Prep

  5. Once I finish reading Extremely Loud and Incredibly close, which will be soon I plan on reading this! I am so excited! I cannot wait to read the book so I can see the movie!


  6. Fitzgerald is such an incredible author. I am seriously OBSESSED with him! This Side of Paradise, The Beautiful and the Damned… Perfection.

  7. I fell in love with this classic too. I like the old version of the movie. The new one seems more flamboyant which I think would fit in great to depict Gatsby's parties. My favorite symbol is green light. I went to see the movie on Friday. Aha went dressed up and everything with friends. I got to be Jordan. This is a great book the time era is one of my favorites in history. Gatsby, great indeed.
