Twitter and Instagram for the Blog

Every well-known blogger I've talked to about ways to get blogs to become more popular, they've all said the same thing - use social media. So I caved in and decided to get a Twitter and Instagram for my blog! I'm hoping that this will bring more traffic to my blog. Follow me!

Instagram - @privateschoolprepster
Twitter - @privateschprep

P.S. Check out Caroline's giveaway!


  1. Good information here. I really enjoy reading them every day. I've learned a lot from them.

  2. Instagram has many power users with very few tools.
    InstaPower User has more than one tool.
    Follow/Unfollow tool: see how many followers have liked or commented as well as if you follow them back or not.
    Comment response tool: manage your posts, see how many comments and how many replies you have made (included @username in comment)
    Ghost Identification: find the followers who do not comment or like your posts. You can then decide to unfollow or remove one by one or all ghost users.
    Problems Solved.
    Like twitter bots, no need for webstagram, instafrmanger, instafollower
    Why You need it?
    One tool does it all - for real instagram users
    Why fund it?
    I need your help to make it better and to make it succeed.
    How funding will help?
    I am asking for your help to beta test, improve my application, improve the user interface, eliminate bugs and help me create the perfect icon. Any extra funds will help speed up the development time of the iPad and iPhone version. I am really looking to get as many people involved in this project as possible. The success of these apps are solely dependent upon the support of the users.
