
20 September 2013

First Blog-aversary

Yesterday was my first blog-aversary! Unfortunately, I couldn't post about it yesterday due to a prior post commitment, so I'm writing about it today. When I made my blog last year, I never thought it would turn out to be like this. I made it as a creative outlet to have during my difficult sophomore year, and basically as a way to just record my growth as a person. It has totally changed, and I'm happy to say I love my blog!

I never would have thought that I would have almost 30,000 pageviews, almost 200 followers, and around 20 brands I've worked with. My blog has grown so much, and I can honestly say I'm proud of it. It's no doubt that blogging takes up a good amount of my time, but I don't even look at it as a chore; I look at it as a hobby, something fun that I love to do.

Honestly, my blog most likely wouldn't be here if it wasn't for my fabulous readers and followers because I would feel like I was talking to myself and therefore be bored! All of the emails, tweets, and comments you guys leave me truly make my day. You guys are part of the reason why I love blogging so much!

I can gladly and proudly say that I can't wait for many more years of blogging!!!


  1. Happy blog-aversary ;)


  2. Congrats on your first blog-aversary! Your blog has grown soo much!

  3. Congrats on your one year anniversary! I'm so happy for you! I hope you have many more years of success! What's your secret.
